Tuesday, 21 October 2008



Everyday when you arrive at home, you turn the radio on and begin to listen to your favorite music: Reggae, Punk, Hip Hop, Salsa, Rock, Rap or Pop. Your parents always say that the music that you like is awful beacuse it guides you to consume drugs, to drink alcoholic drinks, to escape to your home and to forget your responsabilities.You want to show them and your teachers, too that your music is the best and it helps you to be a better human being.
What would you do?


•You are a student who should organize the English Day for your school. You want to use this event for convincing your parents and teachers that your music is the best for your life. You should choose the best group, songs and artists for the show.


•SURVEY: design, apply and get the results of a survey for your parents and two teachers asking them why they think is your music awful and what is good in music.
•Choose your favorite kind of music.
•RESEARCH: Go to the web and find information about your favorite music, the best group , one of the most important singers and a lyric of one of their songs. Design a mind map with the most important information about your music.

•Read and write three good messages of the song that you chose.
•Go to the web, again and search about the youth subcultures who are related to your favorite music. Read about them and design a comparative chart between your own subculture and another that you consider isn’t as good as yours.You can write five good and five no good aspects in your chart.

•Go to the web pages and search information about the influence of the music on teeangers. Write two ideas about what they say and write your opinion: Do you agree? Why yes? Why no?
•Create a fantastic activity for showing the result of your work during the English Day. Remember your purpose.

•The survey for your parents and two teachers.
•The results of the survey.
•The mind map with the ilustration of your favorite musical group.
•The lyric of the song that you chose and its messages.
•The comparative chart.
•The text about your opinion related to the influence of the music in teeanager’s life.
•The creative activity for the presenting in the English Day.

•The oral report in class.
•The evidences in the web quest.



julian said...

I think this very interesting because we learned more about the music we hear and in turn they hear the others

Unknown said...

The activity was amazing and i learn a lot of things about the subcultures of the music and many other kind of music.

Daniel Hernández 904 J.M.
Alberto LLeras Camargo School

Unknown said...

Was Great and i learn a lot about of music and cultures

Jesus Alberto gomez 901 J.M.
Alberto LLeras Camargo School

ivancho said...

THE work proved to us that music can also learn English and that's one thing I will never forget our group

camelia jimenes
ivan beltran
edwin cañon 902Jm
jorge rincon
crsitian ramos

sebas said...

The pop rock is a musical genre that combines elements of rock & roll tunes with generally mild. The songs are identified as being of simple, catchy melody and repetition of the chorus or chorus and instrumental as the basis for using the electric guitar and keyboard. Wrongly associates the word "pop" with "popular" (popular in the area, or the general public), but the word "pop" comes from something instant, or fashion. The root of this genre comes from Britain, for what some call it simply "BritPop"

The term was first used to describe the successful songs of The Beatles, were also included in this genre The Grass Roots, Gary Pucket & The Union Gap and The Buckinghams.

Meet some of our parents and teachers regarding the musical genre we choose music is a pleasant and healthy environment that their messages are mostly of love and romantisismo.

we loved teacher :)

jose garzon
julian espinosa
cristian buitrago
sebastian pardo
901 j.m.
and the toad of 902
cristian cardenas

natalia said...

We liked much activity since we now know more about the music and types of music and cultures of these

natalia arevalo
deysi tarazona
marcela espitia
902 jm

javier said...

The activity is good because we learned more and practice about music and this theme is interesting
This work was developed and can be seen from http://englishwork-javier901.blogspot.com/
javier lazo
edwin bernal
ruben andrade
luis almonacid
grade 901
fernando bernal
grade 902

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

bacano very much the work I teach my parents and my group and I learned through this work teacher for almost closing of the year

Att: Edgar Arrollo
Camilo Cuevas
Ronald Ramos

goretti said...
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goretti said...

Work paresis very good for us that we can learn the history and the whole journey that has taken our group of development musica favorite to cauasado to many populations and the influence it has had on the youth of several generations
in this work also learned to work together

att:yury keterin segura 904 J.M
katerine sepulveda904 J.M
sebastian garcia 904 J.M
goretti leuro 902J.M

katerine said...

This work helps us to realize that we all have our tastes and always respect them also helps us to know that our popes have reason to not like our music

jennyfer cabiativa said...

The quis me paresio very interesamte because recorde things that me have forget

jennyfer cabiativa said...

The quiz me seemed very interesting because recorde things that me have Alvida

Anonymous said...

Theacher I believe that the exercises was very easy.

MR.LIKAN m.c. said...

Hello teacher, in the exercise I had 10/10 and I found difficult but for that is.
Bye bye

lina morales said...

The activity is very productive since it(he,she) helps us to segir aumentandonuestros conosimientos and apart it(he,she) allows us to learn mas of what we can learn in the class

lina morales said...

The activity is very productive since it(he,she) helps us to segir aumentandonuestros conosimientos and apart it(he,she) allows us to learn mas of what we can learn in the class

maria fernanda chingate said...

teacher my coment I like hard this type of tool of work to learn but on the music that we like